TIBCO – International trade fair for consumer goods
TIBCO is one of the traditional fairs of Romexpo, being one of the first exhibitions organized in Romania. The fair will take place in Hall A, between 16-19 of May, 2024.
TIBCO has expanded its theme:
- Salon for you and your family: cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, shoes, jewelry, drinks, natural products, sweets, coffee, gifts, etc .
- Salon for your home: interior decorations, electronics, appliances, furniture, household goods;
- Salon for commercial space display systems: equipment, endowments and specific furniture, cash registers, etc .;
- Salon of services: logistics, financial, consulting, insurance services;
- Salon for a peaceful sleep: medical equipment and devices for sleep therapy, furniture, mattresses, pillows, linen, oils, room perfumes, literature;
- Salon Bio Life & Style: organic products and food, beverages, seeds, cooking utensils, organic cleaning products, natural cosmetics, hadmade clothing and accessories, art objects, organic children's items;
- For more details CLICK HERE.

Why attend to TIBCO 2024?
- Sign new contracts;
- You will meet potential clients and partners in the field;
- You’ll have the opportunity to attend conferences and seminars;
- You’ll benefit of a complex media campaigns;
- The innovation, flexibility and unique concept of the new spaces will create the framework for a better relationship between the exhibiting companies, the professional associations and mass media;
Useful information for exhibitors:
Starting from May 15, 2024, exhibitors are expected at the Dispatch (in Pavilion A) to pick up badges and access notes.
From May 16, 2024, starting at 08:00, exhibitors will have access to the pavilion based on a badge.
Stand Constrution:
For companies that build their own stands or with a third party company:
14.05.2024, between 08.00 am - 08.00 pm (access Expozitiei Boulevard, no 2, Gate C-Romexpo, Hall A)
For companies that build stands with Romexpo:
15.05.2024, between 08.00 am - 08.00 pm (access Expozitiei Boulevard, no 2, Gate C-Romexpo, Hall A)
Visiting hours:
16-18 of May 2024, between 10:00 am – 06:00 pm
19 of May 2024, between 10:00 am – 04:00 pm
Access: Gate A, B
Dismantling period:
19.05.2024, between 04.00 pm – 08.00 pm (access Expozitiei Boulevard, no 2, Gate C-Romexpo, Hall A)
20.05.2024, between 08.00 am - 08.00 pm (access Expozitiei Boulevard, no 2, Gate C-Romexpo, Hall A)
Participation forms: click here

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Address: Blvd. Marasti, nr. 65-67 C.P. 32-3, cod 011465, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40 21 207.70.00
E-Mail: romexpo@romexpo.ro