- Cosmetics and perfumes
- Clothes, footwear
- Jewellery, watches and other accessories
- Food products (meat & dairy products, coffee, sweets, essential food products, other food products)
- Alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks
- Natural products and unconventional therapies
- Weight loss products
- Gifts and handicrafts
- Events
Professional commercial services SALON - EXPO SERVICES
- Logistic services
- Financial services
- Consultancy services
- Insurance services
- Selection and recruitment services
- Electronics and appliances
- Interior decorations (glassware, ceramics, wood, porcelain, carpets, lighting articles, curtains, etc.)
- Plastics, sanitary and household articles
- Furniture
- Household goods and equipment
- Chemicals, cleaning and hygiene items
Shop retail display systems SALON - PROSHOP
- Equipment, specific supplies and furniture (display systems, cooling systems, lighting systems)
- Cash registers, digital scales, scanning systems, marking and labelling systems, printers, cash counting machines, etc.
- Various supplies (shopping carts, showcases, shelves/displays), construction systems and materials for specific exposure (including kiosks)
- Products and specific furniture for setting, presentating and decorating commercial spaces, showcases and warehouses
- E-COMMERCE (distribution and delivery services, ordering system, e-commerce platforms, online payments systems, insurance services, storage spaces, online advertising)
- Drugs which induce and guarantee a quality sleep
- Medical device and equipments for sleep therapy which induce and guarantee a quality sleep
- Food supplements which induce and guarantee a quality sleep
- Clinics for treating the apnea, snore, respiratory failure, insomnia, hypersomnia
- Therapists specialized in relaxing massage
- Teas which induce and guarantee a quality sleep
- Complementary therapies
- Furniture for bedrooms
- Mattresses
- Pillows
- Quilts
- Bed sheets
- Bed covers
- Carpets
- Curtains
- Curtains, window blind, products which don’t let the light to enter into bedroom
- Home slippers
- Pijamas
- Underwears
- Earplugs
- Facial mask for sleep
- Lighting products, including sensors and reading lamps
- Mosquitoes nets
- Volatile oils, including specific devices
- Essential oils
- Perfumed sticks
- Room odorizante which induce and guarantee a quality sleep
- Relaxing music, including music for the babies and children
- Feng shui specialists for a restless sleep
- Motivational specialists / speakers specialized in unconventional therapy which induce and guarantee a quality sleep
- Motivational books for a quality sleep
- Alarm clocks, including lighting clocks
- IT aplications which monitor and quarantee a quality sleep
- Precious stones
- Silver amulets
- Bookmarks
- Nutritionists specialized in insurance a quality sleep
- Literature about organic food, personal care and green lifestyle
- Sport and welness specialists which guarantee a quality sleep
- Speciality literature
- Sleep monitoring gadgets
- Organic food and supplements
- Natural drinks
- Seeds and plants
- Packaging, technology and equipment
- Eco-compatible technologies and household appliances/goods
- Detergents, cleaning materials/agents
- Natural and organic cosmetics
- Textiles and handmade accessories
- Souvenirs and handicrafts
- Art pieces, design and wooden furniture, green architecture
- Baby articles (wooden toys, healthy systems for wearing babies, etc.)
- Equipment and accessories for sports and leisure
- Eco tourism
- Methods for diagnosis, healing or maintaining the physical, energetic and spiritual health state
- Alternative spiritual sections for body, soul and mind healing
- Centers with a healthy lifestyle, associations and institutions
- Literature about organic food, personal care and green lifestyle
- Thematic events
- Others
SALON dedicated to SENIORS - Medical services and senior care
- Private clinics and homes
- State clinics and homes
- Home care services providing companies
- Plastic surgery specialized clinics
- Ophthalmology
- Dental medicine
- Furniture (including anti bedsores mattresses)
- Surgical equipment and sterilizers
- Massage equipment
- Hearing aids and prosthetics
- Wheel chairs
- Orthopedic prosthetics
- Crutches
- Cadre de mers
- Consumable medical materials: diapers, draw sheets, cosmetics and care products for the elderly, dressings and elastic bandages, disposable gloves etc.
- Pharmacies, alternative medicine and products
Tourism agencies
Sports clubs
Banks and insurance agencies
Events organizing companies – for the silver and golden wedding anniversary
Personal development, cooking classes
NGOs and associations
Participation forms: click here

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Address: Blvd. Marasti, nr. 65-67 C.P. 32-3, cod 011465, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40 21 207.70.00